A day in the life of a SCAMP dive team
SCAMP dive team starts early! Follow the journal of a typical work day.
Our dive team’s day starts early! Even before the sun has come up, our Dive Supervisor and Operations Manager are getting ready for the day ahead. The pair discuss the day’s dive project in detail, agree the schedule of work and ensure the documentation is ready. Our Divers and Diver Tenders are getting ready too – conducting safety checks and loading their equipment on the dive boat.
Fresh from his planning session, the Dive Supervisor meets his team at the water’s edge. He briefs them on the day’s dive, detailing what work needs to be done and giving a comprehensive safety briefing. The team prepare the surface air supply equipment, double checking everything is in good working order. Then they wait for the call saying that the customer’s vessel is ready.
The call is received. The Operations Manager radios the dive team to advise them that the vessel they will be working on has given notice that it’s ready for the work to start.
When the team arrive at the customer’s vessel the Dive Supervisor goes on board to brief the Captain and Chief Engineer. Permits to work, risk assessments and safety checklists are discussed and signed, to ensure a stringent schedule of work and that all safety procedures are in place before work starts.
The Dive Supervisor runs through the plans again with his team. Now they are onsite, he can brief them in even greater detail on the potential hazards and share intelligence from the Captain and Chief Engineer. The Dive Supervisor completes the diving record log, with Diver Tenders reporting the status of the primary and standby Divers.
Our Diver Tenders are crucial to safe operations. They stay in the dive boat and remain in constant contact with their Diver in the water. They remain alert for any sign of emergency and keep the Dive Supervisor up to date on the health and safety of their Diver throughout. Once the vessel’s crew confirm all emergency procedures are in place, the Divers then enter the water, reconfirming safety checks are correct before submerging.
The Divers carry out an initial visual inspection and photograph the area undergoing work. Once complete, they get to work, following SCAMP’s rigorous health and safety policies right up until the job is done. The last task is to take a final photograph of the area so that they can share the results with the customer, and they can review their work back on dry land.