Inspections and Surveys

Highly Skilled and Experienced Divers and Technician

SCAMP in-water inspections are an invaluable aid to our principals. Hull and propeller fouling condition assessment, classification societies’ surveys, sale and purchase transactions, P&I claims and dry-dock planning usually require photographic and/or video in-water inspections. Our well-trained and highly experienced divers perform underwater inspections and surveys, backed by top-tier image recording technology, with still photography and/or CCTV video.

Our expert divers use approved and patented hull surface cleaning machines that are globally recognized as the most effective means to recuperate vessels performance and service speed.

Advanced cleaning techniques and equipment, including our top of the range Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) at Gibraltar and Algeciras, ensure that no damage is caused to the most delicate of anti-fouling systems, such as silicone and other soft-coated paints.

Our expert divers use approved and patented hull surface cleaning machines that are globally recognized as the most effective means to recuperate vessels performance and service speed.

Advanced cleaning techniques and equipment, including our top of the range Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) at Gibraltar and Algeciras, ensure that no damage is caused to the most delicate of anti-fouling systems, such as silicone and other soft-coated paints.